Data Engineering 4.0 With AWS - Basic To Advance (Live Classes)

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    Sessions 26

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    Duration 3 Months

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    Starts On 9-Nov-2024

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    Validity 1 Year

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    Mode Live

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INR 7500

Admission Open - 180 Seats Left

This course includes
  • Content Duration - 100+ Hours
  • 12 Industry Projects (End-to-End Implementation)
  • Hands on Exercises, Quizzes & Interview Preparation Material
  • Placement Assistance
  • Resume & Linkedin Profile Making
  • Private Discord Community For Networking
  • Live & Offline Doubt Support
  • Certificate of Completion
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Tech stack you'll learn

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Course Content

  • Class - 1 (Live Classes)
    • What is Database?
    • Difference between Transactional Databases and NoSQL databases
    • What is DBMS & RDBMS?
    • Transactions & ACID Properties
    • Setup MySQL Workbench
    • Setup MySQL Using Docker
    • DDL, DML, DQL, DCL
    • CREATE Command
    • INSERT Command
    • Integrity Constraints

  • Class - 2 (Live Classes)
    • Alter Command
    • Drop, Truncate and Delete
    • Primary Key vs Foreign Key
    • Referential Integrity
    • Select Query, In-Built Functions, Aliases
    • UPDATE Command
    • Auto Increment in create table
    • Limit
    • Order By Clause
    • Conditional Operators
    • Logical Operators
    • Like Operation
    • User Defined Functions (UDFs)

  • Class - 3 (Live Classes)
    • Group By, Having Clause
    • Group Concat, Group RollUP
    • Sub Queries, IN and NOT IN
    • CASE-When
    • SQL Joins

  • Class - 4 (Live Classes)
    • Exists and Not Exists
    • Window Functions
    • Frame Clause
    • Coalesce Function
    • Common Table Expressions - Iterative and Recursive

  • Class - 1 (Only Theory Part Recorded)
    • BigData Fundamentals
    • 5 V’s of BigData
    • Distributed Computation
    • Distributed Storage
    • Cluster, Commodity Hardware
    • File Formats
    • Types of Data
    • History of Hadoop
    • Hadoop Architecture & Components

  • Class - 2 (Only Theory Part Recorded)
    • Map-Reduce Architecture
    • YARN Architecture

  • Class - 3 (Only Theory Part Recorded)
    • Hive Complete Architecture
    • Hadoop Cluster Setup on GCP (Dataproc)

  • Class - 4 (Live Classes)
    • Data Types in Hive
    • Create Database
    • Create Table
    • Load Data From Local
    • Load Data From HDFS
    • Internal Table
    • External Table
    • Array & Map Data Types
    • SerDe in Hive
    • File Formats in Hive - ORC, Parquet, Avro

  • Class - 5 (Live Classes)
    • CSV SerDe
    • JSON SerDe
    • Parquet SerDe
    • ORC SerDe
    • Static Partitioning
    • Dynamic Partitioning
    • Bucketing
    • Map-Side Join, Bucket Map Join, Sorted Merge Join, Skew Join

  • Class - 1 (Only Theory Part Recorded)
    • Kafka Cluster Architecture
    • Brokers
    • Topics
    • Partitions
    • Producer-Consumer, Consumer Group
    • Offset Management
    • Replicas
    • Commits
    • Sync & Async Commits

  • Class - 2 (Live Classes)
    • Confluent Kafka Setup
    • Topic Creation
    • Schema Registry
    • Key, Value Message
    • Message in Kafka Topics based on Random and Constant Keys
    • Kafka Producer Code with Serialisation
    • Kafka Consumer Code with De-Serialization
    • Consumer Groups
    • Working with JSON, CSV Data
    • GCP Pub-Sub Setup
    • Producer & Consumer for GCP Pub-Sub Setup

  • Class - 1
    • CAP Theorem
    • What is MongoDB and MongoDB Atlas?
    • MongoDB vs Relational Database
    • MongoDB features
    • MongoDB use cases and applications
    • MongoDB architecture
    • Node
    • Data Centre
    • Cluster
    • Data replication
    • Write operation
    • Read operation
    • Indexing

  • Class - 2
    • MongoDB Atlas Setup
    • Understanding different ways to communicate with MongoDB
    • Query data from MongoDB tables
    • Queries on MongoDB using Python
    • Streaming data pipeline setup using Kafka Connect where Source is Kafka and MongoDB is destination

  • Class - 3
    • CAP Theorem
    • What is Apache Cassandra?
    • Cassandra Database vs Relational Database
    • Apache Cassandra features
    • Cassandra use cases and applications
    • Cassandra architecture
    • Node
    • Data Centre
    • Cluster
    • Commit log
    • Mem-table
    • SSTable
    • Data replication
    • Read operation

  • Class - 4
    • Data Partitioning and Token
    • VNodes in Cassandra
    • Read Operation in Cassandra
    • Compaction in Cassandra
    • Gossip Protocol in Cassandra
    • Write consistency in Cassandra
    • Read consistency in Cassandra
    • Partition Key, Cluster Key, Row Key Declaration
    • Cassandra Setup Using Docker
    • CQL in Cassandra
    • Cassandra Free Tier Setup On DataStax
    • Queries in Cassandra using Python

  • Class - 1 (Only Theory Part Recorded)
    • Problems with Hadoop Map-Reduce
    • What is Apache Spark?
    • Features of Spark
    • Spark ecosystem
    • RDD in Spark
    • Properties of RDD
    • How Spark perform data partitioning?
    • Transformation in Spark
    • Narrow Transformation vs Wide Transformation
    • Action in Spark
    • Read & Write operation in Spark are transformation or action?
    • Lazy evaluation in Spark
    • Lineage graph or DAG in Spark
    • How DAG looks on Spark Web UI?
    • Job, Stage and Task in Spark
    • What if Spark cluster capacity is less than the size of data to be processed?
    • Spark in-depth architecture and it's components
    • Spark with Standalone Cluster Manager Type
    • Spark with YARN Cluster Manager Type
    • Deployment modes of Spark Application
    • How DAG looks on Spark Web UI?
    • Internals of Spark Job over the cluster

  • Class - 2 (Only Theory Part Recorded)
    • Persist and Caching in Spark
    • Storage Levels in Persist
    • How does data skewness occur in Spark?
    • Techniques to deal with data skewness
    • Repartition vs Coalesce
    • Example of Key Salting technique
    • RDD vs Dataframe vs Dataset
    • How to use Spark-Submit utility?
    • Memory management in Spark
    • Memory components in Executor Container
    • Dynamic occupancy mechanism
    • How to process 1 TB of data in Spark?
    • Resource allocation case study - 1 : 6 Nodes and each node have 16 cores & 64 GB RAM
    • Resource allocation case study - 2 : 6 Nodes and each node have 32 cores & 64 GB RAM
    • Resource allocation case study - 3 : When more memory isn't required for the executors
    • Broadcast and Accumulators in Spark
    • Different type of failures in Spark and how to resolve them
    • Out Of Memory failures
    • Code and Resource level optimizations in Spark
    • Best practices to design Spark Applications

  • Class - 3 (Live Classes)
    • Spark Cluster Setup On GCP Dataproc
    • PySpark Core and Dataframe Operations
    • PySpark SQL
    • Read & Write from Hive tables using PySpark

  • Class - 4 (Live Classes)
    • Execution of Spark application using Spark-Submit Utility
    • Monitor, Debug & Understand Spark Dag on Spark Web UI - Practical Example
    • What is Stream Processing?
    • Spark structured streaming
    • Spark streaming with word count example
    • Output modes in writeStream in Spark structured streaming
    • What if memory due to state management is full?
    • DStream vs Spark Structured Streaming
    • Spark structured streaming with File as source
    • Triggers in Spark structured streaming

  • Class - 5 (Live Classes)
    • Checkpointing
    • Exactly once in spark structured streaming
    • Stateless and Stateful Processing
    • Global aggregation and Windowed aggregation
    • Windowing
    • Sliding window
    • Tumbling window vs Sliding window
    • When and why we should use windowing?
    • Windowed aggregations example
    • Arbitrary stateful transformations
    • Watermarking
    • Working example of handling delayed events using watermarking
    • Code implementation for Stateless spark structured streaming with source as Confluent Kafka Topic
    • Code implementation for Stateful spark structured streaming with source as Confluent Kafka Topic - Global aggregation and Windowed aggregation
    • Spark structure streaming pipeline implementation where Source is Confluent Kafka Topic and Destination is MongoDB

  • Class - 1 (Live Classes)
    • What is Databricks?
    • Databricks Architecture, Delta Lake & Delta Tables
    • Databricks Account Setup on GCP
    • Workspace setup
    • Compute in Databricks & Spark cluster setup
    • Unity catalog
    • Spark Job Execution on Databricks Cluster
    • Workflow Creation in Databricks
    • Project - Incremental Logistics Data Ingestion and perform merge operation in Delta tables

  • Class - 2 (Live Classes)
    • Project - 1: Real time healthcare data processing with DLT (Delta Live Tables) in Databricks
    • Tech Stack:
      • PySpark
      • Databricks
      • Delta Tables
      • Databricks DLT Workflow
    • Project - 2: incremental SCD2 Merge ingestion
    • Tech Stack:
      • PySpark
      • Databricks
      • Delta Tables
      • Databricks DLT Workflow
      • PyDeequ

  • Class - 1 (Only Theory Part Recorded)
    • What is orchestration in BigData?
    • Need of dependency management in Data Pipeline design
    • What is Airflow?
    • Architecture & Different Components of Airflow
    • Operators in Airflow
    • How to write Airflow DAG Scripts?
    • Attribute description
    • How to execute parallel tasks?

  • Class - 2 (Live Classes)
    • Setup Airflow on GCP using Composer
    • Create and schedule Airflow dag with sequential tasks using BashOperator and PythonOperator
    • Create and schedule Airflow dag with parallel tasks using BashOperator and PythonOperator
    • Airflow Project - 1 : End-To-End Airflow dag to Create, Run PySpark Job and Destroy GCP Dataproc cluster
    • Airflow Project - 2 : Airflow dag to use user defined variables and pass external config parameters

  • Class - 1
    • OLAP vs OLTP
    • What is a Data Warehouse?
    • Difference between Data Warehouse, Data Lake and Data Mart
    • Fact Tables
    • Dimension Tables
    • Slowly changing Dimensions
    • Types of SCDs
    • Star Schema Design
    • Snowflake Schema Design
    • Galaxy Schema Design

  • Class - 2
    • Uber Data Warehouse Design Case Study
    • AirBnB Data Warehouse Design Case Study

  • Class - 1 (Live Classes)
    • Snowflake free tier account setup
    • Snowflake UI walkthrough
    • Load data from UI and create snowflake
    • Event driven data ingestion in snowflake table using SnowPipe (Tech Stack Used : Google Storage Bucket, GCP Pub-Sub, Snowflake)
    • How to create and schedule task in snowflake

  • Class - 2 (Live Classes)
    • Project - 1: News Data Analysis with event driven incremental load in Snowflake table
    • Tech Stack:
      • Airflow
      • Google Cloud Storage
      • Python
      • Snowflake
    • Project - 2: Ecommerce CDC data real time aggregation in Snowflake Dynamic Table
    • Tech Stack:
      • Python
      • Snowflake Dynamic Table
    • Project - 3: Car rental data batch ingestion with SCD2 merge in snowflake table
    • Tech Stack:
      • Python
      • PySpark
      • GCP Dataproc
      • Snowflake
      • Airflow

  • Class - 3 (Recorded)
    • BigQuery Overview
    • BigQuery Architecture
    • Capacitor — Columnar format
    • Colossus — Storage
    • Dremel — Execution Engine
    • Borg — Compute
    • Jupiter — Network
    • Project - 1: IRCTC Streaming data ingestion into BigQuery
    • Tech Stack:
      • Python
      • GCP Storage
      • GCP Pub-Sub
      • BigQuery
      • Dataflow
    • Project - 2: Walmart data ingestion into BigQuery
    • Tech Stack:
      • Python
      • Airflow
      • GCP Storage
      • BigQuery

  • AWS Services Covered
    • S3, Lambda, IAM, CLOUDWATCH, EC2, SNS, SQS
    • Event Bridge Scheduler, Event Bridge Pipe, Kinesis, Kinesis Firehose, DynamoDB, SNS, SQS
    • Step Function, EMR, GLUE, RDS, ATHENA, REDSHIFT
  • Class - 1 (Live Classes)
    • AWS Free Tier Account Setup
    • AWS Console Walkthrough
    • S3 Bucket Creation
    • AWS CLI Setup
    • IAM User Setup
    • Access S3 Buckets using AWS CLI
    • S3 Bucket ARN
    • AWS Lambda Basics
    • Create Hello World Lambda function with Python
    • Execution and Testing of Lambda Function
    • Trigger Lambda Function with S3 Create Object Notification
    • Deployment of Lambda Functions with other dependencies
    • How to create and use Layers in Lambda
  • Class - 2 (Live Classes)
    • Read data from S3 file in Lambda Function with event driven notification & boto3 library
    • AWS SNS Basics
    • Create topics in SNS
    • Setup Email subscription of SNS topic
    • S3 Create object notification to SNS topic
    • Publish custom messages in SNS topic from Lambda function
    • AWS SQS Basics
    • SQS vs Kafka
    • Create SQS in AWS
    • Send and Receive messages in SQS
    • Read stream of messages in Lambda Function from SQS
    • AWS Event Bridge & Event Bridge Pipe
    • Scheduled trigger of Lambda function using event Bridge
    • Event bridge pipe to read stream of data from SQS and send to Lambda function with intermediate filters
  • Class - 3 (Live Classes)
    • Create EC2 instance in AWS
    • SSH in EC2 machine from terminal
    • AWS RDS
    • Setup MySQL database with AWS RDS
    • Login & Access MySQL Database from terminal
    • Connect and manipulate data in MySQL database using Python
    • AWS Athena Basics
    • Athena vs Spark
    • Create & Query Athena Tables
    • Setup Datasources in AWS Glue Catalog
    • Table metadata preparation with AWS Glue Crawler
    • Run Athena queries from Lambda Function
  • Class - 4 (Live Classes)
    • Crawl partitioned data in S3 with Glue Crawler
    • Read partitioned data from S3 in Athena
    • AWS Redshift fundamentals & architecture
    • Setup Redshift cluster
    • Table operations on sample data in redshift
    • Load data from S3 into Redshift table
    • Unload query command in Redshift
    • Unload data from Redshift into S3 with Manifest file
    • Create external table in Redshift
    • Materialized views in Redshift
    • AWS Glue fundamentals & components
    • AWS Glue Catalog & Glue Crawler
    • Setup Redshift connector in Glue
    • Data pipeline using AWS Glue Visualizer with S3 as Source and Redshift as Destination
    • AWS Glue job execution and insights

  • Introduction to Apache Iceberg: Overview, need, and key features like schema evolution, partitioning, and ACID compliance.
  • Iceberg Architecture: Understanding Iceberg’s metadata layer, file formats, and its role in data lakehouse architecture.
  • Installation & Setup: How to set up Iceberg on AWS, GCP, or Databricks with connectors for Hive, Spark, and Flink.
  • Creating Iceberg Tables: Steps to create, manage, and partition Iceberg tables efficiently.
  • Inserts, Updates, and Deletes: Handling data ingestion, updating records, and safely deleting data in Iceberg.
  • Time Travel & Snapshot Management: Using Iceberg’s time travel feature to view historical data and manage table snapshots.
  • Schema & Partition Evolution: Handling schema changes and evolving partitions without rewriting the table.
  • Query Optimization: Techniques for optimizing queries, using hidden partitioning, and improving performance in Spark and Flink.
  • Integrations & Use Cases: Integrating Iceberg with big data tools (Spark, Flink) and real-world use cases in large-scale data lakes.

  • Introduction to Apache Hudi: Overview of Hudi, key features like incremental data processing, ACID transactions, and how it compares to other table formats (Iceberg, Delta).
  • Hudi Architecture: Understanding Hudi’s core components—metadata, timeline, file groups, and the distinction between COW (Copy-On-Write) and MOR (Merge-On-Read) storage types.
  • Setting Up Hudi: Installation and configuration of Hudi on AWS, GCP, or Databricks, with integration in Spark, Flink, and Hive environments.
  • Creating Hudi Tables: Steps to create, manage, and work with COW and MOR tables in Apache Hudi for different use cases.
  • Hudi Upserts & Deletes: Efficiently handling updates, deletes, and managing incremental data with Hudi’s ACID capabilities.
  • Time Travel and Versioning: Utilizing Hudi’s time travel features to access historical data and manage table snapshots.
  • Hudi DeltaStreamer: Introduction to Hudi DeltaStreamer for streaming data ingestion and handling both batch and real-time updates.
  • Incremental Data Processing: How to leverage Hudi’s incremental pull mechanism for processing only changed data, reducing data processing overhead.
  • Integrations & Real-World Use Cases: Working with Hudi in big data tools (Spark, Hive, Flink) and exploring real-world examples of using Hudi in data lakes and streaming environments.

  • Introduction to Apache Flink: Overview of Flink, its core capabilities in real-time stream processing, and comparison with other streaming platforms like Kafka Streams and Spark Streaming.
  • Flink Architecture: Understanding Flink's core components—Job Manager, Task Manager, and how Flink manages state and fault tolerance.
  • Setting Up Flink on AWS: Configuration of AWS Managed Flink (Kinesis Data Analytics for Flink), setting up clusters, and integrating with AWS services like Kinesis and S3.
  • Working with Flink Streaming: Introduction to DataStream API, defining sources, sinks, and transformations for building real-time streaming pipelines.
  • State Management in Flink: Explaining Flink’s stateful streaming capabilities, how it maintains and manages state, and how to leverage keyed streams for stateful operations.
  • Event Time & Windowing: Using event time processing and defining window operators (Tumbling, Sliding, Session windows) for time-based aggregations in real-time streams.
  • Fault Tolerance & Checkpointing: Leveraging Flink’s exactly-once semantics, checkpointing, and savepoints to ensure reliable and fault-tolerant stream processing.
  • Flink SQL: Introduction to Flink SQL for querying real-time data streams, building end-to-end pipelines with SQL, and integrating with other systems like Kafka or Kinesis.
  • Flink on AWS Kinesis: Setting up real-time streaming jobs with Kinesis as a source and S3 as a sink, utilizing AWS services for monitoring, scaling, and managing Flink jobs.

  • All In Live Classes
  • Project - 1: Real-time Healthcare Data Processing with DLT (Delta Live Tables) in Databricks
    • Tech Stack:
      • PySpark
      • Databricks
      • Delta Tables
      • Databricks DLT Workflow
  • Project - 2: Incremental SCD2 Merge Ingestion
    • Tech Stack:
      • PySpark
      • Databricks
      • Delta Tables
      • Databricks DLT Workflow
      • PyDeequ
  • Project - 3: News Data Analysis with Event-Driven Incremental Load in Snowflake Table
    • Tech Stack:
      • Airflow
      • Google Cloud Storage
      • Python
      • Snowflake
  • Project - 4: E-commerce CDC Data Real-time Aggregation in Snowflake Dynamic Table
    • Tech Stack:
      • Python
      • Snowflake
      • Dynamic Table
  • Project - 5: Car Rental Data Batch Ingestion with SCD2 Merge in Snowflake Table
    • Tech Stack:
      • Python
      • PySpark
      • GCP Dataproc
      • Snowflake
      • Airflow
  • Project - 6: IRCTC Streaming Data Ingestion into BigQuery
    • Tech Stack:
      • Python
      • GCP Storage
      • GCP Pub-Sub
      • BigQuery
      • Dataflow
  • Project - 7: Walmart Data Ingestion into BigQuery
    • Tech Stack:
      • Python
      • Airflow
      • GCP Storage
      • BigQuery
  • Project - 8: Quality Movie Data Analysis
    • Tech Stack:
      • S3
      • Glue Crawler
      • Glue Catalog
      • Glue Catalog Data Quality
      • Glue Low Code ETL (With PySpark)
      • Redshift
      • Event Bridge
      • SNS
  • Project - 9: Gadget Sales Data Projection
    • Tech Stack:
      • Python
      • DynamoDB
      • DynamoDB Streams
      • Kinesis Streams
      • Event Bridge Pipe
      • Kinesis Firehose
      • S3
      • Lambda
      • Athena
  • Project - 10: Airline Data Ingestion
    • Tech Stack:
      • S3
      • S3 Cloudtrail Notification
      • Event Bridge Pattern Rule
      • Glue Crawler
      • Glue Visual ETL (With PySpark)
      • SNS
      • Redshift
      • Step Function
  • Project - 11: Logistics Data Warehouse Management
    • Tech Stack:
      • GCP Storage
      • Airflow (GCP Composer)
      • Hive Operators
      • PySpark With GCP Dataproc
      • Hive
  • Project - 12: Sales Order & Payment Data Real Time Ingestion
    • Tech Stack:
      • GCP Pub-Sub
      • Python
      • Docker
      • Cassandra
  • New Projects With Aws, Flink, Iceberg, Hudi

Course Schedule

Course Starts:
Course Duration:
100+ Hours
1 Year (Starting From 9-Nov-2024)
Class Timing:
Saturday & Sunday [9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Live Teaching, 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM Live Doubt Session] (IST)
Class Duration:
3 Hours Live Teaching, 60 minutes Doubt Solving
Class Recording Provided:
Programming Language Used:
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Shashank Mishra is a seasoned Data Engineer with over 6 years of experience at top companies like Expedia, Amazon, PayTM, and McKinsey & Company. He specializes in Big Data, Cloud, and architecting scalable data pipelines across industries. A proud MCA graduate from NIT Allahabad, Shashank is passionate about sharing his expertise. Through his YouTube channel, E-Learning Bridge (175k+ subscribers), and LinkedIn (170k+ followers), he has mentored over 14,000 aspiring data professionals, helping them launch successful careers in Data Engineering.

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Data Engineering 4.0 With AWS - Basic To Advance (Live Classes)
INR 7500

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